Caramel Cake with Salted Caramel Italian Meringue Buttercream

This recipe makes enough batter to fill: three 8x3 inch round cake pans, four 8x2 inch round cake pans, or two 10-inch round cake pans. The bake time listed in the recipe is for three 8x3 inch layers
This recipe makes enough batter to fill: three 8x3 inch round cake pans, four 8x2 inch round cake pans, or two 10-inch round cake panThis recipe makes enough batter to fill: three 8x3 inch round cake pans, four 8x2 inch round cake pans, or two 10-inch round cake pans. The bake time listed in the recipe is for three 8x3 inch layerss. The bake time listed in the recipe is for three 8x3 inch layers

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